While often neglected in the church, teenagers are one of the most important groups that we need to reach in our congregations. During their transition
to adulthood, many teens have trouble expressing themselves and understanding who they are in this big world. We always seek to show these teens that they are loved by God first, but also by our Youth Ministry staff. We work diligently to prepare teens for the world that lies ahead and the temptation that will come along with it while working to foster a love for the Word of God and a Spirit-Filled Life at the same time.
Our teens meet for the Teen Sunday School Class at 9:45 AM each Sunday and at 6:45 PM each Wednesday for the Teen Wednesday Night Class, both taught by Bro. Justin & Mrs. Tara Twiggs. Throughout the year, our teenagers will go on many outings including camps, youth revivals, and many other exciting trips that allow them to build stronger relationships with one another and with God.
For more information about our Teen Ministry, please contact our Youth Pastor, Kody Wood, at kody.wood@hogmountainbc.org or (770) 945-5876 Ext. 302.